European Honey Bee
Name: Apis Mellifera Beads? No, bees. They’re great, aren’t they? This is the European Honey Bee, otherwise known as the Western Honey Bee. It is the most common of all 40 other bee species. Buzzzzzz. Expert pollinator Don’t feel like carrying around a tiny paint brush, painting tiny pepper flowers to pollinate? Are people pointing…
Red Cherry Marigold
Name: Tagetes patula A commonly grown, non-invasive french variety. Originally a sacred flower of the Aztecs. Beneficial in the garden? You bet. The roots repel nematodes and the flowers can act as a decoy or, strawman for Japanese beetles to protect your other crops. … marigolds are best known for their ability to suppress plant-parasitic…
Asian Ladybug (Harmonia Axyridis)
Name: Harmonia Axyridis Look at those Asian Ladybugs! They are also known as the harlequin ladybird and Harmonia Axyridis. The Asian Ladybug live between two to three years. Their life cycle begins with a female ladybugs laying groups of tiny yellow eggs on the underside of leaves. When hatched, the larvae emerge looking like black and…
tagwave allergy, aphids, asian, asianwave, harlequin ladybird, harmonia axyridis, ladybird, ladybug, non-native, parasite -
Four-Toothed Mason Wasp
Name: Monobia quadridens Not your average wasp, when solitary they are on the chillwave spectrum. This little one is a destroyer of pesky leaf-rolling catapillars, moths and sometimes black widows spiders. “Nice one!” screamed an old man in the distance.
Blue Dasher Dragonfly
This Blue Dasher, also known as a Pachydiplax Longipennis, is a dragonfly that comes from the Skimmer family. If any entomologist happen to be perusing, I am aware this could be a Western Pondhawk. However, the thorax seems to confirm the Blue Dasher? Either way, would like it properly labeled. Females and immature males are…
Southern Black Racer Snake (Snakes on a Plant)
Name: Coluber Constrictor Priapus I had a Garden of Eden thing going on this morning. Here’s a Southern Black Racer Snake relaxing on one of my Cheiro Roxa plants, a capsicum chinense with awesome flavor. I got a little too close to the plant before I noticed it. These snakes are not poisonous, but can…