Aji Omnicolor Pepper
SHU: 50,000 Type: Capsicum Baccatum Home: Peru The Aji Omnicolor is quite a nice yung pep which has seemed to grow in popularity over the years. Let me tell you why. This little jerkface goes through the colors purple, palewave yellow, then orange, and finally settling on red, which is quite neat. They apparently have…
Lemon Drop Pepper
SHU: 50,000 Origin: Peru A bit spicy and a pungent baccatum! Another Peruvian favorite. Also called the Aji Limon, or Kellu Uchu in Peru. Similar to the Aji Cito or Aji Pineapple, but, a sharper taste. Very floral and tastes a bit like lemons, especially when cooked. To clear up any confusion relating to similarly…
Aji Cito Pepper
Holy wow. The smaller, spicier, and more pungent version of the Aji Amarillo. It’s like being punched in the face, but you like it more than usual! Strong, floral and clean baccatum taste and apparently the hottest in the entire species. Smaller pods, around 2-3 inches. Much tastier when cooked, the fruit flavor really shines like…
Aji Pineapple Pepper
SHU: 30,000 Really strange, pungent capsicum baccatum pepper. A fairly well known underground cultivar. Can taste almost soapy at times like cilantro, in an interesting floral way. Very strong burst of citrusy baccatum flavor on first bite, similar to the Aji Cito and even the Lemon Drop. And it’s no slouch in the department of…